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      Subscribe elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae eleifend ac, enim. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.

        Cáceres Museum 2021

        Predictions, color and chance.


        The days of study and work have followed one another between intensity and routine, they have been the escape from a season that is not only uncertain but also the possible action against a stopped time, they have also been a refuge, a protected place with a functioning that escapes the determinism of events, news and social perplexity, with a feeling of liberation and dispossession.


        Does chance exist?

        The days and hours accumulated are a process of trial and error, as well known to me, as unstable as it is habitual. In those days, the most domestic and trivial acts are rewarded with an intimate pleasure of discovery and involuntariness: the colors and shapes rush, the more casual the more exact they appear to the composition, the less sought after the better they are established as an aesthetic response.

        Will the casual, that which escapes the behavior of a previous scheme, be genuine chance?



        On the work tables scraps and remains are alloyed that, without any tuning, generate composition states of inaccurate predictions. Color creates meanings that each resulting image assimilates and carries as best it can; Quantumly, colors are established without precise guidelines, some are contrasted, others are activated or appear neutral.



        As in a theory of fragments, the forms are superimposed, covered or left naked, there is no simultaneous certainty of how I accumulate them on the surface. The color is vivid in the proximity of fruits, peels and shells; Any image is suitable to nullify its meanings and support unrealities, folds and stains.

        Dates: September-November 2021