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        Koldo Mitxelena Cultural Center 2018

        Frequencies Koldo Mitxelena Cultural Center.

        Time and limit of images.


        In a process of uncertainty with time, images and their representation, when what is known is no longer valid and something new or different does not fully consolidate, a procedure to renew a imaginary distant, momentarily, from the drive of painting, that matter that leaves its mark. This expectant and disbelieving attitude appropriates the photographic and pictorial, without its conventional values, in press, fashion, design and consumer publications, building a cluster of strata, sedimentations and fragments that combine new spaces and meanings. In this game of collages a graphic memory of influences, references and learning emerges. These collages also move to moving images as an action of walking and transporting along routes and urban structures. They are decontextualized captures that generate a visual field of frequencies, of frames that are interrupted and interspersed randomly, with a kinetic and hypnotic effect.


        Much of the ideas in art come from a previous time, from a vision of something that existed before. Between this vision of the previous and the stimulus of the search, there slips the melancholic repetition of what has not been done or what he wanted to be, in which the artist now, unconsciously, only tries to reconstruct something from his past.

        Dates: 09-13-2018 / 11-10-2018

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